
To access the serial settings, click on the ‘Configuration’ button from the menu and then navigate to ‘comm’. Note, the user will need to be logged in as an Administrator or as an Engineer to access the configuration menu. It is important to set up the com­munication parameters as per the direction of the network administrator in order to ensure the communication with the device is successful, and that the Slave ID assigned to the device is not already utilized.

Default Serial settings for G3 electronics are as follows:

Baud rate = 19200. This is the configured data transmition speed between the host and slave. Shown in bits per second. Max configured baud rate is 115200 and minimum is 4800.
Databits = 8. This is the number of bits used to represent one character of data. Can either be 7 or 8.
Parity = None. This is used for error detection and can either be ignored or set to odd or even.
Stop Bits = 1. This is the number of bits used to signal the end of a frame and can either be 1 or 2.
Slave ID = 1. This is the unique number assigned to a Modbus slave device in order to distinguish it from the other connected devices. Each address may b set to any address from 1 to 247 or to zero to be ignored. 

When changing COM settings it is important to ensure that the meter connection details are changed in USM Advisor. To do so go to the config tab and manage meter then edit and update the connection details.